New Marketing Problem: Fake NewsI was wondering what I could write in my last post. I was trying to think about a topic that is current and intriguing. Someone then…Mar 22, 2018Mar 22, 2018
Brand, Sports and EqualityHow Nike is aiming to support equality in younger generations.Mar 17, 2018Mar 17, 2018
Marketing 4.0 and Social ActivismWhich marketing strategy corporations should adopt in the Marketing 4.0 era?Mar 13, 2018Mar 13, 2018
People shouldn’t judge when they don’t knowRecently, a nationally-wide know TV program in Brazil did a TV report about some schools in my city, Manaus.Jul 17, 2015Jul 17, 2015
A Day In the Life of a BeatlemaniacA Beatlemaniac (yeah, with capital B) is not that person that knows Paul McCartney’s last wedding date. Nor knows exactly Lennon’s birthday…Jul 15, 2015Jul 15, 2015
The Machu Picchu SagaMy friend and family know that I am not a very organised person. In fact, sometimes there are so many clothes on my bed that I can barely…Jul 14, 2015Jul 14, 2015